Monday, May 19, 2008

Have You Met Mary?

I’m da biggest Boss that you’ve seen thus far.
Cuz it’s just another day in the life of the G D boss ….

Mary is a staple at Marikka’s during the summer. I’m sure you’ve seen her around. I call her the Boss, ‘cause she is the epitome of a headstrong, independent woman (well, most of the time). That is certainly not a bad thing. In fact, when I’m done with this entry I’m sure even more guys will be lining up (they want to date her and to kiss her and to marry her). I am not a pimp, however I do play one on TV.

Mary likes football. And I’m not just talking about the weak English football, even though she is trying her hand and feet at soccer. She likes good old-fashioned American pigskin action. Now before you get your panties into a bunch, she is a Carolina Panthers fan. I know, seriously. It gets even better. She likes JAKE DELHOMME. I don’t get it either, but she is from the Carolinas so I usually cut her people some slack anyway. They don’t even put dry rub on their Bar-B-Q for crying out loud? You can’t really take their opinions and feelings seriously once you find out that little tidbit.

Mary likes to drink beer and bourbon. She enjoys beer because it’s cheap and bourbon because it’s smooth. Occasionally, she’ll go for the fru-fru girlie drink; but who amongst us has not ordered a Pina Colada or Mai Tai when lounging by the pool or on the beach. Beer is her staple though, especially during the week when she has to report for work by the crack of noon.

Speaking of work, Mary is a research scientist. Translation: She is like so totally super-smart. She’s finishing up her PhD in Bio-Chemistry at UK and then she will have her choice of locations for her post-Doctorate research. That is if she decides to stay with the whole science route that has consumed the last eight years of her life. She has some experience in the business world and could be persuaded to leave academia behind if she finds a challenging career that allows her time to volunteer.

Mary is quite the athlete. She is very active in sports especially during the summer months. She has officially retired from rugby. She started playing rugby because there wasn’t a girl’s football team and the guys were scared she would break them like twigs. Now she’s taken up sand volleyball, soccer, and cross-training. She is all about hard work and doing her best, but make no mistake about it; Mary comes to win! I tore my Achilles and she still blames me for the downfall of one of her sand volleyball teams.

And the most important thing that you need to know about Mary is that she likes to have a good time. Mary is just a really cool, all around fun person to hang out with. She likes her share of TV shows including some cheesy ones. She is a big movie fan. And wait for it, she even likes video games. She admits that she has lost touch with that side of her deep, multi-faceted personality but there could be a PS3 in her future that would reignite the competitive fire. So if you see the Boss running around Marikka’s, feel free to say “Hi Mary.” She might just strike up a conversation with you and you’ll be able to see for yourself just how cool she is.


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