Thursday, April 24, 2008

Burning Up the Airwaves

You make me make a phoney phone call to Ed Rooney. The man could squash my nuts like grapes …

I thought I would be blogging more with the laying around in bed and all. I’ve been doing the email/phone call thing instead. So this is a post of an email that I created for some nice folks at work. My coworkers know that I am a huge Star Wars fan and a bit of a geek, so it was little surprise to get a card in the mail with Admiral Ackbar as the return addressee. The card was further listed as from Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, Rebel Alliance. The card had various references to the mystical Force and midichlorians.


I finally heard back from Admiral Ackbar and the Rebel Alliance today! My midichlorian count is high and the Force is strong with me. They are sending none other than Luke Skywalker out to meet me in the Degabah system in a few days. I will have to leave my worldy belongings behind, but that is not important. Material things cannot take the place of a true understanding of the Force. I will train under the greatest Jedi of all time and maybe one day Ewoks, Wookies, Gungans and the Mon Cal will sing songs of praise about me while dancing around the forest moon of Endor. Until Jabba's offspring find another Sarlacc Pit (or Great Pit of Carkoon, to the locals), make mine the light side! May the Force be with us all!

Ok, sorry about that. When I got the card, I almost threw a crutch. Thanks everyone. I enjoyed it tremendously. Everything is fine here. There is some slight pain in my right calf/foot from using the crutches, which means I need to be laying down more according to Dr. Mom. The swelling seems to have gone down in the left leg thanks to elevation and a really nicely wrapped splint that won't let it move at all. I am still having some issues with insomnia, so I take whatever sleep I can get. Thanks again for all your thoughts and well wishes.

Please forward this to anyone I missed. I'm including some pictures so that you can remember what I look like (yes, I can punish from the comfort of my bed).
I hope you enjoy.

I went at the bushy sideburns and need to shave the dome again.

A picture of the left leg with my friend the crutch. Can't wait to get this thing off.

This is the current setup that I have in my bedroom. Its such a pain to sit and enjoy that TV all day.


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