Tuesday, April 08, 2008

More Weather Fun

We’re going back to the future …

Thursday (April 3rd) was an interesting night. I’ve wanted to go out a club for a little while now. Since downtown Lexington is being torn down, I figured I should hurry. Talking to Mike and Derek, I found out that Main Street Live (formerly A1A) is the hot spot in Lexington on Thursday nights. We all decided to find out what all the fuss was about, so we headed down there around 10 pm. When we left the house it was cloudy, but there was no rain. By the time we got downtown it had begun to sprinkle, so we parked and waited in line with half of UK’s sorority and fraternity members. By the time the line started moving, it was beginning to rain and before we got in the door, it had begun to pour. We got pretty wet, but that’s the price you pay. Or at least part of it, the cover charge was $15 or $10 for college students. We were a little shocked at the amount until we found out it was all you can drink. The place was packed not long after we got there, but the DJ was all over the place. He would play a club song and then follow it with a slow song or two before moving to an old school remix or techno tune. He didn’t seem to have much flow to his selections. The three of us found a spot that overlooked the dance floor and was near the DJ booth. The crowd was pretty lively and raucous during the three hours we were there. I’m sure the free flow of drinks had nothing to do with that. It was nice to get back on the floor without actually getting back on the floor, but I was a bit disappointed in the music selection. We left the club around two in the morning and headed back to my place, so I could get some sleep before work in the morning. I was hanging up my wet clothes when I saw that there was a stain at the corner of the ceiling and wall. It turns out some flashing had come loose and water was flowing on the outside of a pipe inside the wall. I called some handyman places and they declined to work on my roof, but I was able to get some referrals. Ace Roofing came out and gave me a free estimate, explaining what needed to be done. I hesitated and wanted to wait for another estimate, but no one else could even make it out to the house until Tuesday. I called Ace back and authorized the work. Lonnie came back that afternoon and fixed the problem along with a few other cosmetic issues that he felt could cause some trouble in the future. So now with another round of storms coming, at least I don’t have to worry about getting flooded inside the house.

I thought I would post Phase 2 of the new 'do while I'm uploading.


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