Thursday, April 03, 2008


Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice …

I’ve been off the reservation since my trip to Atlanta, so let’s see what you missed. I was sick when I got back to Lexington and called in sick on Tuesday after a long and miserable day at work on Monday. The rest and constant medicine helped, but Wednesday and Thursday were not great. I was feeling pretty good by Friday, so I accepted Mark and Amber’s invitation to visit them in West V. My evil genius plan was foiled by my Manager, Jeff. I was planning on leaving work early on Friday, since he was at UK recruiting. He decided to come back to work at the end of the day and I was stuck working a full shift. That’s as close to intolerable as this job gets besides the unpaid overtime. I then went to my parents’ house to help my Mom with a little problem before leaving town. I let the hammer down again, like I seem to do on the highway and blazed through the trip. I switched between CDs and Sirius to pass the time along with a few calls to Mom and text messages to Mark and Amber. I really should focus more on the road when I drive, but I digress. After accusing Mark of moving them thirty minutes past Charleston, I rolled up to their house which is about two exits past downtown. Sorry Mark. Amber was nice enough to have dinner waiting when I got there, so we had a nice meal before I took to the bottle. We decided not to go out Friday night, so Pork Chop and Jana came by to play some games and drink with us. We had a great time just hanging out and making fun of each other. Saturday we had a cookout on Mark’s new grill (ask him about the cover, he loves the cover). Everything was tasty and Captain and Mrs. Moles even stopped by to join us. We took the opportunity to let them drop us downtown, so that we did not have to leave a vehicle overnight on the mean streets of Charleston. We hit a couple of bars, played some pool and watched the hookers; you know the usual. I had some issues with the drinks in the first couple of bars, but Mark and Amber seemed to think it was remnants of my cold messing with my taste buds. My taste buds were fine the night before, but anyhoo. We took a cab home and then got up late morning in time to watch a little NCAA action. Amber thought it was 7 AM most of the day. She really can’t hold her liquor, two beers and she’s flying. She did come out of the stupor long enough to make some biscuits and bacon. Mark’s eggs made breakfast, though. Good times. Since it was Easter Sunday, Mark and Amber were going to her grandmother’s for a late lunch, so I headed on back to Lexington with a little more reasonable speed. I ended up not working out for two weeks straight. That ended on Monday when I did a light workout. Mike and Ray came over last night and we did our full 300 Spartans routine. I followed that up with thirty minutes on the bike. I had been struggling with getting up in the morning to workout, but had no trouble this morning. I woke up before the alarm and did two thirty minute sessions on the bike. It felt good and hopefully, I can go back to having plenty of energy throughout the day. I weighed myself this morning and I haven’t gained any weight in the past two weeks. I’m hoping to kick up the exercise level to eleven and see some big gains this month. Obviously, I didn’t make the six hundred miles on the bike so that is still a goal that is out there. I may go for it this month or I may wait until next month. We’ll see how things go. Volleyball starts in a few weeks, so I would guess this will be a pretty intense month for my workouts. I’ve also taken an active interest in boosting the economy. I purchased a new TV for my bedroom and I’m planning on hooking a computer to it as soon as I build it. The first set of parts will be in Friday, but it may be a few weeks before I order the next round. That’s all the news that is fit to print. I’ll try to do better about updating more regularly.


Blogger Amber Moles said...

Those eggs did not make breakfast!

April 03, 2008 2:55 PM  
Blogger B$ said...

Those eggs were fresh and delicious. You could learn something from Mark!

April 03, 2008 3:39 PM  

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