Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jizzbots Assemble

It's your cousin, Marvin. Marvin Berry. You know that new sound you've been looking for. Well listen to this...

Friday night the Jizzbots got a few people together for karaoke at Survivors. I haven't enjoyed that guilty little pleasure in a while, so I met them out there. When the first of us showed up, there were maybe five other people in the bar. Tracy was very excited to be there. And by that I mean to say, Tracy WAS VERY EXCITED TO BE THERE! She had organized the event because she had not been out for karaoke since February. I was just trying to get an idea of what songs were on the list, but Tracy knew several songs that she wanted to sing including an Alicia Keys song she is planning to sing at her cousin's wedding. After she took her turn, I did not want to go up there. It's like having a talent competition and you follow the singer that started taking lessons at the age of three. I went up anyway and attempted When Doves Cry. A slight case of the jitters and some reverb made it by far my worst performace of the evening. Not long after that a few more of the group arrived and the crowd became a little rowdy. Mix in some liquid courage and you have a recipe for fun. I moved over to some Elvis and Garth. Someone jumped ahead of me for Hank, so I switched gears and tried Papa was a Rolling Stone. I didn't have the speaking parts down on that one. Tracy was hoping to do a duet all night and I agreed to several of her choices. She settled on My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. Little did I know that there was very little in the way of male vocals. I tried to pitch in with the female vocals from time to time and decided to go Opera Guy on the few male vocals that I had. Much laughter from the crowd on that one. Sarah and Jenny's Baby Got Back was pretty good. Casey got into the act with some good vocals on songs that I was not very familiar with as well. By the end of the evening, I even had a request from a young lady to do another Elvis song. I was just hoping for a little Poison by Bel Biv Devoe and that idea did not seem to disappoint her. Unfortunately, time ran out on the evening and I had to announce, You ain't got to go home but you got to get the Fuck out of here! The group was breaking apart at the back of the bar and there was talk of heading this way or that. I had to get up early the next morning for a trip to King's Island. I didn't get much sleep Friday night, but I had a lot of fun. I guess the Jizzbots truly are Supersonic. We'll have to do that again soon.


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