Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hang Loose

Pilot to bombadier, would you like to press or hang? Over.
This is the bombadier requesting permission to hang. Over.
You have permission, bombadier. The window will be down in 5. Over.

Captain Toledo and the guys at work have been great about getting me into the plant for the last three months. D-Rock, Charles, Joe and even General Lee (who may or may not be a racist) and the intern with no name have all taken turns being short bus drivers for me. The thing is if you do something long enough it really stops being fun. I think tensions have begun to mount over the daily Driving Mr. Hoke saga. Thankfully, I go back to the surgeon on Monday and I'm expecting to get clearance for the next stage of function on the leg. If not, I may have to invest in a Rascal.

Some more good news from the workplace. I'm actually taking a couple of days off. I rescheduled my PCP appointment for Mon, so I can knock both doctor's visits out in one day. I'll also be looking to get some chores done as well. But the main thing is that Tuesday, I am completely off from work and have no real plans. And I plan to keep it that way. I've lost a lot of the flexibility that I had and not just around my ankle. Everything had to be so Black and White (and you know White always follows Black). I'm beginning to see just how other people were viewing my lifesize portrayal of Rampage Jackson. I would like to blame it all on the heat, but I'm told it's the humidity that will turn around and bite you in the ass. Oh well, only six more weeks until the Fall. Maybe a snow storm will come through to help me chill out.


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