Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Movie Reviews

Welcome to the land of the free and home of the brave. She turned another year older last week, so be nice to the best little country on the planet ...

I've noticed that a lot of people are willing to give unsolicited advise on how to live our lives or fix this country or make rain fall from the sky. The thing is, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. I don't mind you telling me how you did something or explaining your opinion on what you think I should do. Just keep it to a minimun with the I know better than you bullshit. I'm a pretty smart guy and I like to look at things from a few different angles before I jump into the fray. Of course, I can be excitable and overly obnoxious with my advice and opinion as well. This is America, though. So jump right in with your ideas and your beliefs and join the melting pot. Just don't think that yours has to be right because it's yours and works for you. There's always something different that might work better for the guy standing next to you.

So I told you all that so that I could pump you full of my opinion on three movies that I've seen recently:

The Incredible Hulk

The Hulk was amazing. It had high caliber acting and the special effects weren't bad either. The story is a throwback to the old comics and TV show. I don't think I'm giving anything away when I say that there is a scene that shows the late Bill Bigsby from one of his non-Hulk TV roles. That's what I love about Marvel comic movies. There are a lot of subtle things for true fans of the source material, but at the same time they tend to have a compelling story that will excite people that are not familiar with the comics. Of course, there are also cameos from Stan "The Man" Lee, the legendary Marvel executive/writer and Lou Ferrigno, the original Hulk. I would like to point out that Big Lou (all his friends call him Big Lou, so naturally I do) looks like he could walk into Maaco and walk out the big green behemoth once again. He looks incredible for a guy his age (going on 57). For those that were doubters, because of the Ang Lee movie a few years back. Phooey on you. Even the CGI Hulk looks like he's been in the gym getting ready for the role. Anyone that likes a great action flick with a sprinkle of romance will like this movie. And the romantic side story is not overdone, in my opinion. Yeah, I cried (and I kind of figured I would). But there was chemistry throughout the film with all the actors. There were several LOL moments and some just exciting fight scenes. Overall, I would say this is the second best movie of the summer so far. Right behind Iron Man. Dark Knight has a big cape and cowl to fill if it hopes to take summer blockbuster honors. I do have a request for the DVD. Can I get Ed Norton and Bill Cosby together to teach a class on proper breathing technique. Between the two of them I could breath away the anger. GO SEE THE HULK NOW!


This is a movie about assassins that stars Angelina Jolie. Notice I didn't say this was a movie about curving bullets. Yeah, that is in there, but the true story is about a secret society of assassins and the deception that is their lives. I don't like to give away plot points, cause I'm not that guy. If I hear someone has not seen a movie, I will completely back off and change topic. If however, you have seen the movie, I will be glad to dive in and discuss. So the movie has something of a strange feel to it. You are on a rollercoaster ride with the action, but from the beginning I kept thinking about Fight Club. The narration and the the everything is not what it appears to be kind of back me up on that. This is a popcorn action movie. Yeah, there's a underlying story if you want to get into it. Yeah, there is a huge twist at the end that I did not see coming. Yeah, AJ or Mrs. Brad Pitt shows off her backside after getting out of a tub. But most of that is unimportant when you can sit down for 90 minutes and just watch a fun flick that takes you to a place that you could never get to on your own. Don't get hung up on the curved bullets and try not to get caught up in the AJ semi-to-full nakedness. Wanted is a good action flick. Go see it and enjoy!

Which brings us to none other than Pixar's


I was more than a little hesitant going into this movie. I like Pixar films as much as the next guy, but they really aren't made for me. Wall-E was not an exception. It was pretty heavy-handed with the environment-destroying, mindless slobs theme. Most of you know that I am the Ladies Man, so the portrayal of women as irrational hooligans was a stretch as well. I will say that the movie was visually stunning. The filmmakers got their message across even if they used a pretty nuclear weapon to do it. Wall-E was a very sympathetic character that you couldn't help but root for throughout the movie. It's a Pixar film so you can probably guess the ending. All an all, it was a pretty film that sucked in women and children in order to get money from the male population. Only go to see it if someone you really like picks it.

So that's my Buck O Five for freedom.


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