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I've been trying to clean up my act (believe it or not). And in this Grand Cleaning of the Republic of Slatonia, I've come across some once thought lost items. Most are of no consequence to anyone but me, so I'll skip acting like I found Aztec Gold. I did find these pictures, though.
This is a photo of Doug Jr. From a very long time ago. Before he was brainwashed into liking a sorry team like the 49ers. I'm attempting to break the spell, but even when he is hugged by a little White guy (Speedy) in only boxers he still keeps his 49ers hat on. Marikka liked him better at this age as did most folks. He's alright, though. You just have to remembered he's an opinionated ass just like the rest of us.
JC of the Indiana Cs
Who has two thumbs, hustles at pool and hasn't set foot on Marikka's patio? This guy. I could be making this whole thing up, but I don't believe that NUC has made his way to the great Commonwealth of Kentucky at all. He's missing out on a lot of stuff not just Marikka's. There's the Derby, UK/UL rivalry (in basketball and football), a disappearing downtown Lexington, BarBQ from Western KY (or even my BarBQ), the Bourbon Trail and of course Florence Y'all. Take the plunge and visit the Bluegrass State. There may not be a beach anywhere near here, but we still like to have fun.
Big Daddy aka B$
My recollection of this night might be as fuzzy as the picture, but I believe I am at Marikka's. This was way back in 2005 before my ASSes split up. I didn't realize how good I had it rolling around with them at the time and now they have gone to the far corners of the country or at least out of Lexington. Damn what I wouldn't give for an ASSes reunion. Oh and I'm not drunk again, Phil. J-Kwon and T-Pain will tell you, I'm just Tipsy.
Ryan aka Rhino
Ryan makes a triumphant return to the blog. In part, because he looks a little mysterious in this picture. Its possible he is mouthing government secrets to Russian Intelligence or engaged in some other covert activity. Since this was on K Stizzle's back deck during the SEC tourney of '05, somehow I doubt it. Next time you do sell some classified docs, though give them a Fo Shizzle Dizzle from me.
Nothing but B$
I seem to be happy about something. We are sticking with early 2005 and no I am not at Marikka's. Doug bet me $10 bucks I could not say Marikka's at least a dozen times in one post. That's easy money for me and Marikka's. Even if Marikka's is not a very Black place to be.
Mr. B$
I look a little angry in this picture. Its actually less than 24 hours after the picture above. I was getting into character as Mr. T from the A-Team. My project for one of my last undergraduate classes at UK involved a presentation where we were the A-Team. I like to go all out, so we had the theme music and intros with our pictures. No one knew I had the mohawk until minutes before the presentation, not even the other members of the team.
Teran, B$, and Moles
This is at an awards celebration for one of the millions of things I got while at UK. Actually, it was a pretty prestigious award. I was given the Lyman T. Johnson Fellowship which is how I was able to afford to go to grad school. I never hesitate to take a picture with a lovely lady or two or four. I don't know how this didn't make it on a t-shirt, but it made it on the mantle.
Brad and Phil
There is nothing wrong with two grown ass White boys enjoying some alone time with a sheep. What I find amusing about this picture is that they look guilty as hell about something. This was some absurdity that went on at JD's bachelor party which was coincientally at Marikka's. The night was young and so were we. I think JD still has the sheep if anyone needs to borrow it.
JD's Groom Cake
I know the wedding and reception were about awesome, but this was just the shit. If you didn't know the Divine Mrs. M was cool before this wedding, this little cake removed all doubt. I don't know if it was known beforehand, but it was a surprise to me and I thought it rocked hard. JD and I have not gone toe to toe on the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, but I think we are both big fans of the Lucas Art of storytelling. I still have your Narnia books, bro. I'll get those back to you soon.
OK. That's enough of a walk down memory lane. It took some time, but it sure was fun.
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