Monday, June 02, 2008

Habitual Line Crosser

It’s a thin line between love and hate and a thinner line between insanity and genius ….

So the manic thing, it’s a gift and a curse. I have this need to do everything right now and all at the same time. It’s hard to get a lot done when your mind is piling on ALL the chores that you will ever have to do on your back at once. It is also very difficult to be productive when you are so tired from only 2 hours of sleep a night that you make it through the day on adrenaline while experiencing long periods of Zombism. Memorial Day weekend I kind of paid the price for all that fun. I wanted to help my Mom clean her garage, so I did. When I talked to Mary and she needed my help, I helped her out too. I also spent some time working on cleaning around my house. That was all on top of going out for the fights, hanging out all weekend at various Bar-B-Qs and movies and being seriously sleep deprived. By the time I got back to work on Tuesday, I was ready for some rest. I actually treat my injury better at work. I don’t have a tons of chores that I can do while on my feet. And the guys have pampered me a bit. I’m back to carrying my own lunch to the cafeteria, so that’s progress. I really have a hard time asking for or even accepting help from people, so these last few months have been a pretty humbling experience. Not only have numerous people done things to help me out, but just the overall support and putting up with my gimp ass has been tremendous. I can be introspective or just a plain asshole at any given time. Things were said and done; you learn from them and move on. So what to do about all this extra energy/anger brewing inside me …

Arts and Crafts

I’m really trying to find a cool hobby to keep me occupied and relax me. I was looking for something that would express the many facets of my personality and yet not be “artistic” because I have not found an art class yet that I can pass. I started with some home improvement projects. I got some stuffing from the Wal-Mart and overstuffed my leather sofa cushions. I had started the project long ago and never got them to where I wanted them. With the stuffing, I could put in as little or as much as I wanted and that brought the cushions back to a like new firmness. If I’m feeling really froggy one day, I’ll look at taking some of the same material to the backs and let them recapture their youth.

I’ve been trying to get prepared for the party in a few weeks, so I’ve also got a bunch of redecorating ideas that are bouncing around in my head. Some of them I’ve already got in place and some others are staged on the pool table for future use. I’m going to have to put a moratorium on new ideas until I can get things ship shape. With all the activities going on over the summer and not being able to stay on my bad leg for too long at one time, its been a slow process getting things they way I want them. But I have vision and charisma, baby. And as God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!

The blog helps a bunch too. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so it takes me a little while to crank out a new webisode for my handful of loyal readers. I’m also looking to upgrade my video capacity. Blogspot has a 100 MB limit for files which is not very big. I’m working on getting a Canon HF 100 Hi-Def video camera. Even edited the videos will be much larger than the ones I’m getting from my little Kodak still camera. I’m checking options on how I can circumvent restrictions on the blog as I do in all areas of my life.

I’ve also taken to making some T-shirts. They range from the snarky to the down right absurd. At one point, I was carrying a notebook around with me at all times to write down T-shirt ideas to be used later. Many of them have been modified and immortalized. It is to the point that people will not only comment on the originality of my shirts, but when they find out I make them myself in my own version of a sweatshop, they start tossing around ideas for me to use. Marikka even gave me an idea on how to modify a shirt that I made, so I did and I even enhanced her idea. I’ve got several more coming down the pike so we’ll wait and see how much of what monkey poo sticks to the wall.

They're out there. Might as well get the most out of them.



She really should have known better when she took the picture.



This is my volleyball team shirt. These ladies knew what they were getting into when they took the picture. And so did their boyfriends.



This was for a racist t-shirt contest I had with Doug Jr. I wore it to Marikka's 'cause it is funny as shit.



This came from a conversation I had with my teammate Gina. She was sharing about an ex-roommate. No such thing as too much information, I suppose.



This was in response to a Ricky Bobby quote (I've got it as a ringer on my phone). Then I took it to the next level.




Blogger B$ said...

I seem to recall making shirts for you and your friends when you lived in Lextown. They may not have been as good, granted, but they came from the heart and twisted mind of a child. Remember to wash the Ts inside out and let air dry!

June 06, 2008 1:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Will do.

June 06, 2008 5:10 PM  
Blogger B$ said...

It helps to be a large, half-crazy Black/Native American/Latino/German when you want to wear a racist T shirt or two.

June 07, 2008 1:27 AM  

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