Saturday, November 03, 2007

Talking Shit Follow Up

All of ya'll can just suck my dick. You can quote me now cause I'm still talkin' shit ....

I am unhappy to report that K did not make good on her Cock Tease outfit. I did enjoy the costume she was wearing, but was a little disappointed about the change. I talked to her about the original idea and she admitted to chickening out for various reasons. Iasked her to hold onto my drink while I went to the car to get her gift. I came back in and let her have the tshirt I made for her. She opened it and was very excited. After she calmed down, I had to ask her if I would get the chance to see her wearing it. She promised me that I had 100% shot of seeing her in that outfit. I can only say that I'll believe it when I see it, but here's hoping.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes- I will wear the shirt, just probably not as intended! You're right I was excited! That was an awsome thing to do... I'm still telling my friends about it! Give me your email and I'll send you some pix....

November 05, 2007 4:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes... I will wear the shirt... just not as you originally intended. I was excited because I found it delightfully funny that you went through the effort to make it. I'm sorry to have dissapointed you, but I'm glad you've gotten so much joy out of all this.

November 05, 2007 4:38 PM  

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