Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pump You Up

I hit Phil up a little over a month ago to start working out. I'm not sure who's Hans and who's Frans, but we are certainly trying to pump each other up. We've been very consistant in working out 3 times a week (T, Th and Sunday in case you want to join in). We started out with 4 exercises for the upper body (bench press, incline bench press, curls and military press). We've started alternating between bent over rows and one arm rows for a fifth exercise. I'm pretty sure the next step will be to add goblet squats to the rotation. Over the last few weeks of training, both Phil and I have shown some dramatic gains especially on the bench press. Phil started his first set with 135 lbs and has moved to 155 lbs (we do 5 sets increasing the weight by 10 lbs each set). I started out using 95 lbs and just moved to 125 lbs. We've also increased weight with incline bench, moving from 25 lb dumbells to 45 lb dumbells. Phil has been doing pullups and is very close to Navy Seal range. We are also adding tricep extensions to the mix. We are consistant enough that we've looked into adding some protein supplements to our diet. At the Ski Trip, Phil is going to challenge everyone to a one-arm pushup contest in memory of Jack Palance. Be warned.


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