Friday, July 13, 2007

Insomniac Theater

If you look at me, you'll probably have a hard time telling whether I look more like my Mom or my Dad. It is a gift. It is a curse. There are some things that I distinctly get from one of my parents over the other. My Dad is big into math and computers. I get that from him on both counts. I get my attention to detail and culinary skills from my Mom. She also passed on a penchant for not sleeping. I go through phases when I have difficulty getting to sleep and/or staying asleep. Its not bad for a few days, because you can really get stuff done while everyone else is sleeping and you don't feel like you're missing out on anything. Once it gets to the week point, you can be pretty exhausted. Sleep aids don't seem to work for me and I have to spend a lot of energy trying to relax enough to sleep for a few hours at a time even though I'm pretty tired.

Last night was one of those nights. I was watching TV and was mellow enough to fall asleep for a little bit, but then I woke up a little before midnight and it was on. I went to the parents house, because they are out of town and I'm supposed to watch the place and pick up the paper and mail and such. My Mom had also called me to tell me there was some chicken salad in the fridge if I wanted it. So I got the parents house and went downstairs to watch a DVD. It was a Dane Cook comedy special, so it ran for about 2 hours. Now its after 2am and even though I'm stretched out on the couch, not really sleepy. So I headed upstairs to watch Burn Notice. I caught that on the DVR and then piddled around the house for a little while. I was expecting to sleep for a bit and then leave after the paper boy came. No such luck. I left the parents around 3:30 and took a walk back to my house, the long way. I decided to look around the neighborhood for houses with For Sale signs out front. I was hoping to get an idea of what houses were selling for in the neighborhood, so I could guestimate more closely what my appraisal will turn up as. There was only one house that was for sale and had an info sheet available. Based on the price per square foot of that house, my house should end up in the high 160s to low 170s. We'll see if that actually happens. So I get back to the house and still nothing going in the sleep department. I pop in Breach in glorious HD. The movie was okay, but it doesn't take much to figure out how the story is going to end. Or maybe its just me. After the movie ended, I layed down for about 45 mins. I don't think I slept, but I could be wrong. I got up and got ready for work around 7. I'm ready to walk out the door 20 mins earlier than I normally leave. That's means I'll get to work early, but probably won't leave early. It's going to be a long day!


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