Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Empire Strikes Back

Or is it Attack of the Clones? Oh, never mind ...

So the whole hide a key thing didn't go over too well. Dad has decided to go on a hunger strike until he gets his key back. He supposedly hasn't eaten since Sunday night. That doesn't, however, mean he hasn't driven since then. On Wednesday morning, my Mom asked him if he had a doctor's appointment. He said he didn't have one til Friday. Later that afternoon, he got a call saying his eyeglasses were ready to be picked up. He jumped in the truck and went across town to pick them up. When she confronted him that night, he said she didn't ask him if he needed to go anywhere, just the doctor's office. He also feels like he can judge whether or not the medicine is impairing him and his ability to drive. He talked about going to a hospital and doing their driver test, but I don't know if he's still willing to do that or not. It looks like this is going to be a knock down drag out for some time to come.


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