Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tentative Schedule Updated

Goals for my schedule:

Wed. night - 4/12/06

Pazzo's around 5pm - got moved to Winchell's around 5pm.
It is all good. I changed locations and so has the party!

Meet with Amber Scott around 9pm or 10pm at Marikka's -
this is very tentative, but that is the plan. If you want
to be there, I want to see you and I'd love to see you,
but I feel like I NEED to talk to Amber about some things.
I will have at most one alcoholic beverage at Marikka's.

Thur. morning Workshop @ 9:30am to noon - Campus activity for
the MBA Program. I may not be in the best shape (sleep, mental
prep, etc.), but my goal is to be there and contribute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong but you seem to be still talking about me antagonizing you. I was under the impression that after speaking with your brother, he cleared up for you that I am not the gold-digging, non-working person that you thought I was. So for the past 14 years of marriage to your brother I feel you subconsciously antagonized me under the wrong assumptions. I am willing to help the family and to change how I treat or react to the family but I want to be met half way. First, from you I would like an apology, like I apologized to you. You seem to check this often so I thought I would put my thoughts here instead of your email address.

April 13, 2006 4:11 PM  

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