Lost Phone
I lost my phone that had pictures of the Georgetown
Tigers bus in the Solid Platinum lot and a busload of
players entering the club. Sorry about your luck.
I'm am working through my anger issues with myself,
but if I talk to you, tell me the truth. Treat me like
an intelligent man and I will treat you like an intelligent
person. Don't just give your opinion. Be able to debate
that opinion with facts that back up the opinion. Don't
go around and around the problem, that takes longer and takes
more energy. State the problem and address it now - not later.
That seems logical to me. If you have a problem with that
statement, leave a comment. Don't be afraid of the elephant
in the room. Address it. Jana is the only one so far to ask
ME if I'm okay. Do the rest of my FRIENDS not give a DAMN?
Have they not wondered what is going on? Do they not care about
me enough to take time to comment on MY BLOG????? That is
why I stopped before. People went to the site, but did not comment.
So comment now. And now. And comment again. I know you looked
at what I said, but did you UNDERSTAND ME? Read, ask questions, give your
opinion or just make a quick comment to let me know you laughed.
It doesn't matter about the comment, but comment something. Validate me
being an ANAL RETENTIVE smuck and spending 2 hours to make a trivia
question to AS's liking. To dig up the information on a historical
figure, 'cause that what she wants. And I did that out of respect for her.
I pointed out you could use the internet. I tried to lead her to the answer,
not make fun of her for not using the internet already. I tried to MAKE HER THINK! That's how and what my parent's taught me. To be independant and think for myself to be logical and to love one another. But you THINK you know me. You only know the me that I THINK you want to know, so I don't even know me anymore.
My parents are Jehovah's Witnesses. I was born and raised as a Jehovah's Witness. Does that make me a religious zealot? Am I weird and different than the guy you knew before learning that statement? Have I changed in your eyes, for better or worse? I should not care what you THINK, but I do. I need that constant lift, that laugh, that smile, that Go To Guy Title. I want to be that guy. When I say you want me on that trip, you need me on that trip! I mean it. I mean it with every fiber of my being. But what I'm not saying is that I want to be on that trip, so I lied to you by omission. Correct? Answer me DAMN IT! Give me your opinion backed by facts and we can debate. I once was a man. And by God I have to be a man again. I have to be able to stand in front of you as my FRIENDS and tell you what I think, how I FEEL, where I am emotionally. What's truly going on with me. I am so tired of being EVERYBODY's FRIEND, not because I don't want to be friends, but because I still don't like the person I am, the person that looks back at me in the mirror. I have so much anger that I have to release at the gym, lifting weights at Phil's house or being able to talk to Will, Phil, Kristin, Walt, Julie B. or whomever I am speaking to at the moment. Without projecting your feelings of anger, without raising your voice, without resorting to name calling. That's the problem today. Everybody wants to beleive that they are ALWAYS right, but you're not. NO one on the face of this earth is perfect. Only one man that walked this earth after ADAM and EVE left the GARDEN of EDEN was PERFECT! And that one man is God Jehovah's Only Begotten son Jesus Christ. That is what I believe! That is what I know! Do you agree or disagee? Let's talk about it. Amber Scott, you are, IN MY OPINION, a very strong, sexy woman and not just sexy from the point of view of your hot body, but also your extremely intelligent mind. I know that. You should know that. CAN YOU TAKE THAT COMPLIMENT FROM ME?!? Send me your name, I should be able to say something completely and fully nice about you without a backhanded compliment. But WILL I? DO I? That's my problem, which leads to anger, which leads to darkness in my heart and evil comments that I don't even mean, just to KNOWINGLY knock somebody down a peg or two. Why? To try to ease my pain and make me feel better for just a brief moment is why. I know that and have now accepted it. But you have to understand that I do understand you and want the best for you, but I can't fully appreciate the delicate layers of pain that you have if you HIDE it from me and your FRIENDS. Like I have hidden from you guys all these years. I don't talk about it (or anything negative) including but not limited to funerals. That's wrong of me not to trust friends that I know and love and that I know love me. Friends that will not stand before me and judge me, because they know me. Instead they will listen and console (or attempt to do so) or give me advise based on their experiences from having gone done that wrong path. THAT's WHAT FRIENDS DO. THAT IS WHAT FAMILIES DO. I should not have to hide anything from anybody. I am a grown ass man! I will do as I please in my own house. AND YET I WAS RAISED TO RESPECT AND SHOW LOVE FOR MY PARENTS AT ALL TIMES, and I DON'T DO THAT! Don't tell me you don't have time. You have to make time. Don't tell me you CAN'T do it, you have to want to do it and figure out how to do it. Do I need to read a book, or phone a friend or invite a friend over for a beer and have him/her show me? Then do it and if it doens't work. Do something else, TRY something else! But don't give up. Be a MEXI-CAN not a MEXI-CAN'T!!!!!!!
JC I feel you pain. I can not say I have been through the exact same thing, because that belittles you and the pain you feel. But I feel your pain. I have been dumped. Everyone is different and must heal differently. You tried to have fun for my sake yesterday, because I was REALLY TRYING TO HAVE FUN! But you were still hurt. And you are still hurt and you will hurt tomorrow. If you decide next week that you want to go to the Titty Bar in ATL. EMAIL DAVE in the meantime and let's do it. I WILL find a way to pay for it, because you are not just my friend - you are my brother from another mother, my friend. OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO DO. JC tell me how I can help. Let me know. I say that and you shake your head, but do you really HEAR ME. You have to tell me the TRUTH and I have to be WILLING and Able to TELL You the TRUTH! That's the bottom line. Not 'cause Stone Cold or BigDaddy said so, but because it's the TRUTH! If you are hurting but you hold that hurt inside, it will grow until you finally break. But if you lift just some of that burden onto my broad shoulders, we share that burden together and we will both bend and become stronger. Read your Bible or don't. I don't have the right to tell you how to live your life, but if you come to me and I see you about to do the things that I have done. I can be your FRIEND and grab your hand before you go over the cliff! OR I CAN WATCH YOU GO OVER THE CLIFF BECAUSE I"M MORE SCARED OF OFFENDING YOU BY TRYING TO STOP YOU FROM MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE I MADE 1, 2, 10 years ago.
I'm good. I really don't have as much anger as even yesterday. Man this blog shite is clensing. I don't even feel the need to go back and speel check or naythngi.
I LOVE YOU GUYS AND IF I CAN HELP YOU, let me know. I really did lose my phone last night, but don't worry about it at all. I have a password protection on my phone, that doensn't allow anyone to make calls without the password. If it was not found, then I will get a cheap prepaid for a month and there was going to be a new phone in my future next month, so no harm no foul!
Wow! Why are you so angry? When you get your phone, give me a call or you can e-mail me. I am little worried about you!
Hoping you had found your phone. Just tried to call. Mailbox is full so can't leave a message. Call me...
Please contact the mothership. We have a critical message waiting for you.
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