Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Arch-nemisis (Part 2 of 2)

Seriously, has anyone seen this idiot? Brent seen here with Heather Korton. I hope she wasn't traumatized by this encounter (even though it looks like she's feeling no pain).

The party moves to Richmond at Phil Deskin’s apartment. When I wasn’t hitting on other people’s girlfriends, being accused of kissing someone’s ex-girlfriend or getting girls drunk, I was busy getting myself drunk. I remember spending many a night crashing at Phil’s and there were some VERY rough mornings (I can detail a few of those later). This particular evening Phil was having a holiday barbeque (Memorial Day or something). There were plenty of hamburgers, hotdogs and beer as well as the mixed drinks I was in charge of. Now most people would be trying to enjoy the music, food, friends and fun. Truth be told, we worked with some idiots. At one point, I walked out of Phil’s apartment to find some of said idiots spinning my car. There was some light rain/drizzle coming down and somebody got the bright idea that it would be fun to push my car from its parking space and spin it around. I had a little Toyota Tercel, so it was kind of light. When I saw these guys spinning my car, I began to chase them until they pushed it up against the curb. Satisfied with a job well done, I went back inside to drink. I thought the story was over until a lovely young lady by the name of KD Huggins came to see me. She told me I should come out back and look at something. Having already ended the threat to society, I shrugged her off. KD was not to be denied and insisted I come outside with her. So dutifully and slightly tipsy, I went out back. I open the back door of Phil’s apartment to see my car in relatively the same position as I left it. I was about to turn to KD and tell her I told you so, when something caught my eye. There was something slightly different. A giant spider had placed a web on the front of my car. There’s some fuzzy logic here because I was inside at the time of the incident. One story has Brent dancing on either my hood or roof of my car when he fell and landed on my windshield. Another story has Brent (and others) running up and down my car, presumably from jumping on the rear bumper to the trunk then the roof, hood and back to the ground. Either of these options with a rain-slicked car spells STUPID.

I was still trying to absorb this new information, when Brent came up to me. He grabbed me by the collar and pressed me against the wall. He then said I broke your windshield and I’ll pay for it, so what are you going to do about it? I really didn’t have much to say, but I wanted to head back inside to get my drink. He let me go and everyone went back to what they were doing. Later on Phil’s roommate came home with some friends and wasn’t happy about the party. There was a small altercation and things eventually broke up. I was in no shape to go anywhere so I crashed at Phil’s.

The next morning was a bit dreadful. I awoke to find my car windshield was still destroyed. Walt was there with me and we needed to get back to Lexington. As I got closer to my car, I realized there were meat products all along the bottom of my windshield, some of which were cooked and some were not. Come to find out, Phil’s roommate and his friends couldn’t resist throwing at the bulls-eye that my windshield had become. Walt and I didn’t have many options, so we piled into the car and headed home. Things were going quite well, even though I had to peak my head out of the front window in order to see where I was going. We were approaching our exit when I saw a cop and I realized there was no way the cop could resist pulling us over and of course he did. The cop asked what happened and when I told him someone fell into my windshield, he asked if we had gotten into an accident. There was no damage to the rest of the car, so it seemed obvious to me that something landed or was thrown into my windshield. I said something about not knowing of a large low-flying animal that I could have hit and then assured him an idiot fell into my windshield. He told us the car was not roadworthy, be he didn’t give me a ticket. We made it the rest of the way home without incident. Brent got my windshield fixed within the next day or two, so I guess there is some sort of happy ending.


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