Saturday, April 01, 2006

And the Winner Is ...

I've always heard it's better to dispense bad news before good. Of course, this bad news is mostly for Jana. She was in a pretty contested race with Amber Scott over the number one position when she (and everyone else) forgot to answer Trivia Mania VII. Jon took the points that could have given her the lead. And the bad news continues. One of the first things you learn in business is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is also something about today called April Fool’s Day. So not only will Jana not get 50 points for being the first to comment on the free lunch scam, but she will have the choice between losing the 50 points or dispensing them among three people on the leader board. So Jana you have a decision to make, you can start out 50 points in the hole for April or give those precious points away. Your decision.

Now on to the big finish. Amber Scott is our first trivia winner!

March’s Final Leader board

Amber (Scott) – 874
Jana - 698
J¢ - 323
Sperbeck – 170
Amber Moles – 86
B16 – 62
Philip Deskins – 50
Evil - 28
Lisa – 18
Sherman – 1


Blogger Jana said...

First off, I didn't forget to play the last round of trivia. I simply gave up because I was exhausted. Second of all, I think the April Fool's Day trivia is bullshit. Being the nice person that I am, I will give away the points. Here's what I think should happen. Amber Moles gets some points because she is my soulmate. Amber Scott deserves the points because of her hard work at kicking my ass. Last, but not least, I think Phil should have the other points because he is the one that introduced me to blogs in the first place. Although, I'm not sure if that's good or bad! I also have a new addiction and it's myspace. If anyone has an account, let me know. I feel like a loser with only 13 friends.

April 02, 2006 4:00 PM  
Blogger Amber Moles said...

Hey Jana, I only have 10 friends on myspace so at least you're not as big of a loser as me. Thanks for the points!

April 03, 2006 9:53 AM  
Blogger Ms. Thomas said...

Thanks for the points Jana. I was exhausted too, so I'm taking April off. The Mania started to resemble a drinking problem, so I'm recuperating for now. Kick their butts this month!

April 04, 2006 2:45 AM  

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