Profile Phil's Blog
Phil is the reason I’m in this mess in the first place. With the pressure to blog everyday so high, sometimes you have to take what is given to you:
BLOGGER: Philip Deskins
BLOG NAME: Something PHILIP This Way Comes
A.K.A: "The Part-Time One"
BEEN UP SINCE: June 2005
SUMMARY: The tossed salad of blogs, Phil can sometimes set up a theme (Breaking Down the Blogs or Ski Trip Profiles), touch on current events (We’re Turning Japanese), dredge up the past (A LOOK BACK:…) or come up with a fanciful list (Top Ten Things to do with VD). But he has a gift for getting other people to write his blog for him (JENNY FROM THE BLOG). All of which he’s done in the last few weeks.
STRENGTHS: Pretty open and honest about what he’s feeling/thinking at the moment.
WEAKNESSES: Has been known to “phone it in” from time to time and have others do his work for him.
FAVORITE ENTRY: I like the ever changing Description. If you haven’t noticed he will send messages out right underneath the title of his blog. He also brings the photos, even if he doesn’t have much to say.
BLOG LOW POINT: “Stealing bandwidth.” When Phil first started blogging he was falsely accused of stealing bandwidth when he posted a picture.
HOPE FOR FUTURE ENTRIES: Finish the Ski Trip Profiles and the A LOOK BACK series. Keep pestering people until at least 5 more blogs are started. More than two or three entries a week from the Grandfather of Blogging (I saw Philip before Lizany).
I'm still waiting for the rest of the profiles. I checked it a million times a day pre-ski trip. Now that it's post ski trip I have cut it down to only a few times a day. Keep up the good work Phil. You were my inspiration for Jana Land.
I'm honored to be an inspiration for such a cool blog, because after all that blog is POISON!
Brett's blog is cooler than Phil's blog anyday. Excellent use of grammar and consistent use of correct punctuation. Finally someone of heightened intelligence is at the keyboard.
Brett, did you put in that last anonymous comment to make yourself look good?
Amber, I won't dignify that with a response. Plus I have a pretty solid alibi, since I was at work. I will say I suspect the blogger and in their defense, Phil started it.
Ah, the defense of a former bandwidth-stealer from a current bandwidth-stealer. At least Phil cleaned up his act.
You, on the other hand, think it is perfectly OK to steal photographers (esp. photojournalists) pictures and post them all over your blog without so much as giving the poor, overworked guy any credit.
How would you feel if someone stole your work?
I've explained this once and I'll try to do it again. If I linked the photos directly from someone else's server that would be stealing bandwidth, but I am downloading and editing them before loading them onto my own photo site. Phil and I have never stolen bandwidth. Feel free to actually be knowledgeable about anything else you accuse me of in the future.
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