Saturday, March 04, 2006

And the Winner is...

Okay, so based on the responses Amber would have won the ticket, but apparently she’s going to Cincy. So this round and the ticket goes to Phil.

I enjoyed this round of secret ballot so much that I’ve devised a plan to make blogging fun. It’s a trivia game. Randomly, I will post a phrase from a movie, TV show or song on the blog. The 1st person to identify the movie, TV show or song wins a point. A bonus is awarded if you name the actor or character that provided the line or in the case of a musical selection the singer or band. You don’t have to win the 1st point in order to win the 2nd point. And now for the twist; I will be drawing mostly from my collection of DVD’s and CD’s, but my parents’ collection is also fair game. Challenging clues will be worth extra points. So let the games begin.

For example:
The clue: “Lick on my chocolate salty balls.”
The answer for the 1st point: South Park (obviously)
The answer for the 2nd point: Chef or voice of Isaac Hayes (either would be acceptable)

Points will be tallied and totaled for the month and prizes could be awarded.


Blogger Jana said...

What's the prize going to be? I am so excited!

March 04, 2006 10:19 AM  
Blogger B$ said...

I'm thinking the prize should be winner specific (based on what I've learned from Just-In-Time and lean manufacturing). So as things shake out, I can dig up dirt on the potential winners and go from there.

March 04, 2006 12:35 PM  

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