Summer Blockbuster Series
Returning to a galaxy far, far away...
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith had quite a pedigree to live up to and not all of it was good. From before the TITLE of the film was announced until May 19, 2005 when it was released, there has been a clamoring by Star Wars fanboys (like myself) to see Lucas' final installment of the world renowned space adventure. After much criticism, especially over Jar Jar Binks in Episode I, fans wanted Sith to be everything they remembered Star Wars was when they were growing up. So how does Sith stack up? Let's take a look, shall we?
filling Old Old Yoda filling space making thslo Young Skywalker
We join Anakin and Obi-Wan high above the planet Coruscant in hot pursuit of Count Dooku, who has just made a daring kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine. Obi-Wan and Anakin have to fight their way onto the ship before taking on all manner of droids and mechanical malfunctions in order to rescue the Chancellor. And then they face off against Dooku, while Palpatine looks on as a captive. I'm not going to give away any more plot points, but I want you to understand that Episode III is filled with action from the opening sequence. There is much to love about this installment of the ever expanding universe. The love story between Anakin and Amidala is still there, but it is strained. Anakin keeps growing in power, which leads him to want more power. Something is not quite right with Palpatine and the Jedi Council doesn't seem to respect Anakin and his mastery of the Force or trust Palpatine's bid for power. The story drives what audiences know will be Skywalker's eventual fall to the Dark Side. Episode III combines the human elements of love, fear, power, anger, heroism and deception with Lucas' vision of action and special effects. It is rumored that Sith contained twice as many special effects shots as Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and required several months to complete them all. Sith gradually builds up Anakin's fear and anger until finally (GASP!), he slips to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Vader. I very much enjoyed Episode III and felt it was by far the best of the three prequels (many others seem to agree based on the record numbers Sith put up at the box office). The movie was darker and action packed and even though you know how the story ends, it is exciting to see how Lucas brings the inevitable to fruition. I highly recommend this movie to Star Wars fans and action/adventure movie fans in general.
A minor warning to those that have young kids. There is a very graphic scene at the end of the movie during the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin. You may want to ask around before letting young kids watch that particular scene.
Spoiler Alert: I had two problems with the movie and they both deal with the ending. The first appearance of Darth Vader was vary dramatic and poignant, until he starts walking around like Dr. Frankenstein's monster. Also, the end of the movie feels rushed, as if Lucas knows he wants to put certain elements/events in the film whether he has time or not. I won't give away the details, but basically the last ten or fifteen minutes after Obi-Wan vs Anakin.
Coming soon in the Summer Blockbusters Series:
For more information on Star Wars: Episode III or other movies click on
For more information on the gazillions of dollars Lucas made from this and other Star Wars movies click on
Hey Brett, wouldnt YOU walk around like Frankenstiens monster if you had just gotten artificial legs? I didnt have a problem with that. Far worse was when he yelled "Padme!'
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