Thursday, June 30, 2005

Spotlight: Jonah Levi Huggins

I realized I have more pictures of Jonah than of my cousins (you know who you are). I thought it would be nice to let everyone see a few more pictures of Jonah and if you click on the title, it should take you to Kate's guest blog, courtesy of Phil Deskins (if you haven't already read it).

space space 3D/4D Ultrasound

jonahbirth JLHbirthannounce
spacespace space se This is Jonah's birth announcement.

joejonah jonahsleep
se Joe holding Jonah in the hospital. spcsp Jonah sleeping on the way home.

jonah spacejonah1
spacespa Jonah chillin' space space space spcae spcand dressed for church.

jonah2 space jonah3
spacePlaying with daddy space aspace space sp and working on the tan.

jonahUK Jonah sporting a fraction of his UK gear.


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