Monday, June 30, 2008

Video Update

Sorry to make you read, Jenny. My blog is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get.

So I've been all over the place with work and trying to get into a training routine and starting up a business and volleyball playoffs at Marikka's and Father's Day and the Hulk opening and ...

OMG! Relax a little. I've tried that. It doesn't work for me because there's no money in it. One thing that I regret having let slip through the cracks is THE VIDEO. "Have You Met BigDaddy?" is still in production and WILL NOT be affected by the actors' strike. I mean alleged/presumed actors' strike. I will be going to Evansville this weekend, but it is my sincere hope to have the video posted long before I leave town. Thank you for you patience and understanding. After all, its understanding that allows people like you to tolerate people like me.

And what the hell do you mean by people like you?!?


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