Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hey Little Girl, You're Going to Hell

I'm not really sure if this is a true story or an urban legend:

This weekend I heard of a troubling and yet somewhat funny story. It's about a 35 year old woman who we'll call Summer and a guy that we'll call Winter. As in all tales of woe, there is someone that has to get hurt and this one is no different. Summer has had some boyfriends in her time, but she has remained pure. She had even hoped to save herself for her wedding night. Then that damn bad boy Winter came along. Winter treated Summer pretty badly, which was like reeling in a fish on the line. Summer finally decided she could hold onto Winter if she offered him her most precious treasure. Winter agreed to accept her treasure, but did not change his demeanor at all. He still treated her badly, but now he could call her up when he wanted to get some. That didn't last long, however because now he's not speaking to her at all. Like most bad boys, Winter is moving on like a rolling stone and leaving behind another broken heart. The lesson: Don't let your Flower be destroyed by the cold, harsh Winter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wrong, wrong, wrong....

July 05, 2005 12:00 PM  
Blogger Philip Deskins said...

" if this is wrong, I dont wanna be right!"- Summer

July 05, 2005 11:38 PM  

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